About Us

I FEEL BEAUTIFUL has been launched by me and my husband, Dasha and Vlad, in Squamish, British Columbia’s mecca of climbers and mountain bikers. You wouldn’t think it’s precisely the place to wear lots of makeup, but I love wearing it even when no one but local bears sees me.

I fell in love with makeup pretty early (ask my mom how many times her palettes mysteriously disappeared.) The discovery of indie makeup when binging on beauty videos post-surgery changed the love into obsession.


Exploring the world of indie while living in Canada is tricky. Most brands are scattered between the US, Europe, and Asia. International shipping is slow and expensive (a perfect combo, right?) But surprise customs and brokerage fees often make shopping costs prohibitively high and spoil the joy of receiving a long-awaited purchase.

After a few years of growing more and more weary of makeup-hunting hurdles, I decided to take matters into my own hands. This is how I FEEL BEAUTIFUL was born - the store to bring indie brands from different countries under one Canadian roof in a bear country.